Watch our video of rail labor standing together!!!
Kansas City, Missouri – On Saturday, March 16, members from the ATDA and five other rail labor Organizations (BMWED, BRS, IAM, SMART-TD, & TCU) protested at the opening day of CPKC Stadium, in Kansas City, Missouri. The protest was a coordinated response to Class-1 Rail Carrier CPKC, for its refusal to provide paid sick leave to its employees. Staged outside the CPKC Stadium prior to the start of the KC Current’s (National Women’s Soccer League) first game at the new venue, the organization was careful to distinguish between its opposition to the CPKCs actions and its support of the professional women’s soccer team. In fact, National Women’s Soccer League Players Association (NWSLPA) President Tori Huster and Executive Director Meghann Burke visited the protest to meet with ATDA President Dowell, IAM Special Assistant to the International President Josh Hartford, and SMART-TD Division President Jeremy Ferguson as a show of support.
Over 70 union members participated in the protest, which was greeted by a steady stream of support from the soccer fans walking to the game. Many stopped to ask about the issues at hand, with some taking time to pose for pictures with the protestors. One individual who stopped to express his support even told ATDA President Dowell that “I’m a CPKC manager and we are on your side”.
While the CPKC continues to deny employees paid sick leave, the Rail Carrier’s actions are not due to contractual constraints. To the contrary, the controlling Collective Bargaining Agreement stipulates that Train Dispatchers may be paid for sick time “…at the discretion of management”. Unfortunately, CPKC has adopted the philosophy of its predecessor (KCS), and since the merger, no train dispatcher has been paid for sick days. The ATDA met with CPKC over the issue until November 2023, when the Carrier made it clear they were unwilling to provide paid sick leave to employees (unlike all of the other Class-1 Railroads).
Furthermore, it wasn’t until February 29th (after word got out that the ATDA planned to protest on March 16th) that CPKC sent all labor organizations a letter indicating what they expected in return for paid sick leave. The ridiculous list of demands went so far as to seek direct violation of the Train Dispatchers’ Collective Bargaining Agreement, by permitting managers working as scabs (which CPKC knew no labor union would ever agree to). ATDA President Dowell and Vice President Denucci even informed CPKC of their willingness to meet and discuss paid sick leave at any time during the first two weeks of March. However, they indicated that he had neither the availability nor the willingness to meet during that time.
When responding to ATDA’s March 16 protest, CPKC’s Assistant Vice President Waldron misrepresented the dispute, saying that the ATDA “elected to take a higher paying collective agreement, foregoing sick days” during recent negotiations of an implementing agreement. The truth is, the CPKC exploited its consolidation of two dispatcher groups, forcing either one group to take an 11% pay reduction, or the other to give up all of its paid sick leave (10 days per year). This could have easily been avoided through negotiation, but the CPKC was determined to take from its employees.
Reflecting on the Kansas City protest, ATDA President Dowell expressed gratitude to all those who participated: “I’m very proud that rail labor stood together in solidarity. Union Presidents Cardwell, Baldwin, Ferguson, and Special Assistant to the International President Hartford provided ATDA with greatly needed support. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler (and her staff) along with AFL-CIO TTD President Greg Regan and Legislative Representative Alex Beckmann were instrumental in coordinating our communications with the NWSLPA. My hope is that we will continue to be a united and ever-stronger force. Also, to our ATDA members who sacrificed time away from their families to be part of this: THANK YOU! We’ve still got work to do for our CPKC brothers and sisters, but you’ve just sent a message, loud and clear: THEY DO NOT STAND ALONE!”
While ATDA plans to continue the fight with CPKC over paid sick leave for as long as it takes, it remains ready to end the dispute as soon as the rail carrier is willing.
In addition to ATDA President Dowell, the following ATDA members greatly contributed to the CPKC Protest: Secretary-Treasurer Bill Sikes, Vice President Barry Cross, Trustee & General Chairman Andy Brewer (Kiamichi RR), Trustee & System Treasurer/Vice General Chairman Kevin Ketcham (BNSF), Trustee & Exec. Asst. to the President David Ursini, General Chairman Chris Calhoun (Terminal RR), Vice General Chairman Mike DePue (Amtrak), System Treasurer & Vice General Chairwoman Sarah Gouthro (MBCR), Vice General Chairwoman Shanan Williams (NS Integrated)

Some of the over 70 rail labor members that joined in the CPKC protest for paid sick leave.

ATDA President Dowell speaking with NWSLPA during the protest. Left to Right, IAM Special Assistant to the International President Josh Hartford, ATDA President Dowell, NWSLPA President Tori Huster, and NSWLPA Executive Director Meghann Burke.

Rail leaders from IAM, ATDA, and SMART-TD stand together in solidarity

ATDA members left to right, VGC Shanan Williams, Vice President Barry Cross, Secretary-Treasurer Bill Sikes, GC Chris Calhoun, President Ed Dowell

Secretary-Treasurer Bill Sikes heading to the protest

Vice President Barry Cross

Trustee & General Chairman Andy Brewer

Trustee & System Treasurer/Vice General Chairman Kevin Ketcham

Trustee & Executive Assistant to the President David Ursini, ATDA’s official photographer

Vice General Chairwoman Shanan Williams

System Treasurer & Vice General Chairwoman Sarah Gouthro

General Chairman Chris Calhoun

Vice General Chairman Mike DePue

Protesting through the crowd of Kansas City Current fans. Center, SMART-TD President Ferguson, to his right ATDA’s Andy Brewer and Shanan Williams

KCS General Chairwoman August Miles takes a photo with the ATDA members that came to Kansas City to support her members. Left to right, System Treasurer/Vice General Chairman Kevin Ketcham, Executive Asst. to the President David Ursini, President Ed Dowell, General Chairman Andy Brewer, System Treasurer & Vice General Chairwoman Sarah Gouthro, General Chairman Chris Calhoun, Vice General Chairman Mike DePue, General Chairwoman August Miles, Vice President Barry Cross, Vice General Chairwoman Shanan Williams, Secretary-Treasurer Bill Sikes

ATDA President Dowell leading a pre-protest meeting with union members from 5 other rail unions